Christian Education is an important part of Ozark Presbyterian Church and is one of the ways the Session fulfills the instruction in the Book of Order “to provide for the growth of our members and for their equipment for ministry and to develop and supervise the Church School and the Educational Programs of the Church.”

Christian Education Ministry Programs and Activities:

Each year on Epiphany Sunday we choose a star which is created with a unique word for the year ahead. The stars are chosen at random, and that star is your word for the coming year. It may be a challenge or a blessing, but each member is called to discern during the year what the Holy Spirit is leading them to through the star that they chose.

We provide devotional booklets during both Lent and Advent for congregation members to study God’s word to them during these seasons of the year.

The Jubilee! Women’s dinner Study Group, using the Presbyterian Women’s Study, meets on the second Monday of each month from September – May to share dinner, fellowship and a Bible study. Any women, whether a member of the church or not, is welcome to this group.

We typically hold a Bible study led by Pastor Becky during both Lent and Advent to help us focus on these special seasons in our faith lives.

At various times during the year we have held a time of Christian Education before worship on Sundays, led by a member of the congregation. Sometimes there is a specific topic, such as “Practicing Generosity”, and other times we have used the day’s lectionary scripture reading.

Confirmation classes are offered to youth in the 7th -9th grade ages to help them broaden their knowledge of both their faith life and the Presbyterian Church before they make the decision to become members.